-- VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., February 22, 2002-Pat Robertson specifically
made comments on The 700 Club that were directly related to a CBN news
report. This segment examined Muslim views regarding the events of September
11, US foreign policy, and the nature of Islam. CBN sent one of its news
staff members that is fluent in Arabic to the American-Muslim annual convention
near Washington DC and to the large Arab section in the Brooklyn community.
Here are a few of the reported comments:
- Muslim-American attending conference: "I don't consider Hamas
and Hizbollah terrorists. Those 'people' have a cause. I am with them
one hundred percent in whatever they do including the killing of innocent."
- Egyptian Muslim: "In My opinion, those people are defending
themselves. We could not say they are terrorist movements."
- Algerian Muslim: "America has a lot enemies, anyone will wish
this blow to this country, because it is not fair in its foreign policy."
- Inside his Brooklyn Mosque, Egyptian, Imam Mohammed Moussa, says,
"Even the killing of innocent people is a legitimate part of
the Muslim Jihad. In Islam, he who through El Jihad does an act 'for
the sake of Allah' with wrong motives will be rewarded once, and the
one who will do it with good motives will be rewarded twice."
CBN Spokeswoman Angell Watts said, "
The Washington Post has not
given a full picture of
The 700 Club program which featured Robertson's
remarks. Looking at today's headlines about Daniel Pearl, journalists
at the
Washington Post should take more care in reporting the whole
story in context.
The Post has chosen not to report the bulk of
Arab American Muslim opinion that supports terrorist actions as an expression
of their faith. Robertson was only responding to what some American Muslims
are saying themselves. Robertson is bringing to the American people the
truth that we must all be aware of -- that militant Islam is dedicated
to the destruction of America and the killing of the Jews and Christians
around the world. To deny that the Koran promotes violence to many followers
would be to deny the truth."