Humble Yourself
God says, "If
my people which are called by my name will humble themselves" (2 Chronicles 7:14) the
first step to revival is to humble yourself. Now, you see, most
people say, "I don't need to repent. I'm OK."
That's what we hear in America. They don't want to hear in this
nation that there's anything wrong with them.
Homosexuality -- it's ok. Abortion -- it's ok. Materialism --it's ok.
Lip service to religion --, it's ok. Divorce --it's ok. Children
being born out of wedlock and premarital sex --it's ok. Pornography
on the Internet -- it's ok.
Don't tell us there's something wrong with America. We're going
to sing, "God bless America" and God will bless us just because
we're such nice people and we're nicer here than those guys over
in the Middle East who are attacking us. Don't believe that for
one minute, that we're OK before God. God says, "If you want my
blessing, humble yourself."
So you start before Him and say, "I am made out of dust, and I am
a sinner. God, be merciful to me, a sinner. I have sinned
before God." That's where you start with revival.
When you humble yourself, you get on your face before God and say,
"God, I'm a sinner." Don't tell God how good you are. Don't tell
him how smart you are. Then the next thing that you must leave
behind is pride. You see we have so much pride, don't we?
Somebody has got white skin, and he's better or she's better than
somebody that has dark skin. Somebody came from the United
States, so he's better than somebody that came from India. Somebody
makes $50,000 a year, so he's better than somebody that makes $20,000.
Somebody is an executive, so he's better than somebody who is a
laborer. Somebody has a college degree, so he's better than somebody
that has a high school degree. Somebody has graduate degrees, so
he's better than somebody else. He's a professional person, he's a doctor or lawyer, so he's superior
to somebody who doesn't have those skills.
This pride permeates us, and we begin to look around and say, "Well,
I am driving a, whatever is your idea of a big-time car, Cadillac,
Lexus, Mercedes, and that makes me better than the guy that's got
the Chevrolet."
And you feel proud. And I've got more money in the bank, therefore,
I'm better than he is, or she is. And it's like the pharisee and
the publicans.The pharisee said, "God, I thank you because I'm not
like these other people. I fast, and I give a tithe, and I
do these religious things, and I thank you that I'm not like this
dirty publican." (Luke 18: 11) And the publican said, "Be merciful to me a sinner."
(Luke 18: 13) Jesus said he went home justified.
But the pharisee prayed thus with himself. He wasn't even talking
to God. God isn't interested in hearing how great you are. What
God is interested in is having somebody who is humble and of a contrite
spirit who trembles at His Word. That's what He's looking for. He
wants somebody who is contrite.
He said of a contrite spirit that such a one trembles at His Word.
(Isaiah 66:2) You read the Word of God. During every revival in the Old Testament,
they began to read the Word, and the people began to tremble.
They said, "We didn't know that's what the Bible says." When we
see revival, the people will begin to say, "This is the Word of
God. This is what we're supposed to do."
So in this little booklet ("Steps to Revival"), as you read it,
and I hope you read it carefully, you start out with pride and you
and say, "God, start with me. I deserved hell."
You go back over your life, and you start thinking of the things
that you've done, and there is no way that you're entitled to heaven.
None of us are!
But, they took a survey of the American people and about 90 percent
said, "Well, we're going to heaven, but I'm not sure about anyone
Then they began to classify all the people who were going to heaven.
Oprah Winfrey led the list, and I think Colin Powell, and probably
Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. They were all way up high. What
they were doing was just ranking our sports and entertainment figures
and saying they were going to go to heaven and people who were ministers
of the Gospel, they're not going to heaven.
That's the way the American people are looking. But everybody said,
with a few exceptions, they were going to heaven. Well, they're
going to be sadly mistaken.
What they need to do and what you need to do is to come before God
and say, "I need a Savior." If righteousness came from the law,
then the cross is of no effect. And that would nullify the sacrifice
of Jesus Christ on the cross.
That's what pride does. Pride says, "I don't need a savior." But
humility says, "I must have a Savior." The humility says, "Without
the cross, I am lost."
And that's where you come to the point where God can begin to do
something for you. And so as we're seeing revival, that's the first
You read this little book and I want you to get a copy if you don't
have one. You read it and read it carefully because God is doing
But I want to pray for some of you right now. Look in your own heart.
You were made out of dust. You have nothing that God didn't
give you, and he holds the very breath of your life in his hands.
And any time He wants to, He can take it away.
It's that tenuous.
All He's got to do is turn His hand over and your life ceases. You
saw in the World Trade Center, as tragic as it was, people went
to work, their life was going along just fine. They were expecting
to have happiness and joy, and they were engaged in their pursuit,
and all of a sudden, in a moment of time, their life was gone!
And your life can be taken away from you. That's why it's time now
to get right with Him.
And Father, for those who are watching this program right now, I
pray that they might understand what humility is, that they might
humble themselves before the hand of a mighty God and that you might
exalt them.
And Lord, you said if your peopl, which were called by your name,
would humble themselves, and Lord, may we as Christians humble ourselves
and acknowledge the ways that we've sinned against you.
May we as a nation humble ourselves and acknowledge our dependence
on Almighty God. And may we ask your forgiveness for the way that
we violated your laws and ignored you, for decades, what we have
done to insult you.
Lord, forgive, we pray, and may we see a move of God in this land.
Send revival, Lord. In Jesus' name, we ask. Amen and amen.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
—Philippians 4:13