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On the 91st Psalm

More on the 91st Psalm:

God is a place of shelter in the midst of all kinds of threats.

God tells us not to be afraid

God will lead his people through the midst of disaster unscathed.

God will order his angels to protect us.

God will rescue, protect, answer and honor us.

On Prayer

One boy with a father in the Gulf said there was a kind of invisible shield. You can't see it, but it's over there protecting my father. We're praying for people.

Now, the Lord has said that if we make Him our refuge, that we'll abide under the shadow of the Almighty, we read in the 91st Psalm. And here's something very significant, because He says that He's going to order His angels to protect you wherever you go. Now, He will order angels to protect you.

What are angels? Angels are powerful, spiritual beings. One angel was able to kill 185,000 troops of the Assyrian army -- 185,000 in one night. An angel is very, very powerful, and the Bible says that they are -- well, we use the term "guardian" - guardian angels. But the concept is that they're ministering angels to look after the heirs of salvation, and He said the angels will protect you in all your ways. And I might emphasize in all your ways.

The devil came to Jesus and misquoted this, and he said, "Jump off the building and the angels will catch you," because it says in the next verse. "They'll hold you up with their hands and keep you from striking your foot on a stone." But he misquoted it, because it says they will protect you in all your ways. And your ways are those ways given you by God that would not include jumping off high buildings and trying to be dramatic and asking the angels to come down and pick you up.

But our men and women are in service, and we want to pray that the angels of the Lord will watch over them and keep them in the way. Some of them are volunteering, but mostly they're being ordered into combat by the United States government to take out a tyrant, and they're willing to go and risk their lives. But at the same time, we need to pray for that covering of the Lord, and it says He will order his angels to protect you and we need the protecting power of the angels of God.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
—Philippians 4:13

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